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Saskatoon Sailing Club Annual Open Regatta, Laser Provincials Redberry Lake, Saskatchewan June 29-30, 2024

2022-06-29 - 2022-06-30

Notice of Race
Saskatoon Sailing Club Annual Open Regatta,
Laser Provincials
Redberry Lake, Saskatchewan
June 29-30, 2024

General: The regatta will be governed by The Racing Rules of Sailing 2021-2024.

Saskatoon Sailing Club and the Redberry Lake Sailing Team are the organizers of this

Sailing instructions will be available at the time of registration.

Entry: The regatta is open to all classes. Fees: $25 for single handed boat, $30 for
double handed boat (maximum fee of $50 per family).

June 29 12:00 Competitors’ Meeting
13:00 First Race Warning signal
July 30 10:00 First Race Warning signal (Commodore’s Cup)
14:00 Last Start Time

Awards: Commodore’s Cup awarded to the winner of the first race on Sunday in the
largest fleet. Top 3 awards in each class. Kingsmill Cup will be awarded.

Eligibility: Each competitor must be a member in good standing in a recognized club
which is currently in good standing with Sail Canada.

Accommodations and Location Camping is available on the club site at no
charge. A map to SSC can be found at http://saskatoonsailing.com.

Food and Events: Saturday evening BBQ

For further information, please contact:
Jake Watters (watterslawoffice@gmail.com)


Event Categories:


Saskatoon Sailing Club


Saskatoon SC